
Saturday, March 14, 2015

Dear whomever may be reading this or merely glancing at these very words,

I can not tell you how many times I've rewritten this. Not simply the physical act of writing, but in my head---my thoughts rewriting their general composition. But, I finally decided if I want to put my everything into this little space I created I'm not going to run away from being open because that simply means I'm running away from myself. I have a dream---well that is a tad understatement. I have a dream made of dreams. There is a valley of wild daises in my mind and a dream of hearts that takes me out to the very sea. Weather that journey is to the very bottom or to the very tippy top is something I don't dare to think about. These dreams are oh so strange and oh so beautiful. I've never wanted something so bad in my whole entire life---craved it as if it were the air I breathe. . .

My dream is to tell a story. Weather it be my story or others. I want to tell a story with written words, in shy whispers and courageous shouts, tell a story with my body---with my very own soul. My dream is to create something with my very own hands---to breathe something to life. My dream is to transform ideas into a living reality. My dream is to take the breath of others---to aspire to inspire. To show the world the light---a light hidden beneath the darkness. My dream is to plant love everywhere I go---every step or tip-toe I take. My dream is to tread the deepest waters and come out with nothing, but a smile. To show you or anybody for the matter what I'm really made of. My dream is to use every ounce of whatever I've been blessed with from my heavenly father above until there's nothing left but earth and dust. My dream is to breathe in this life until there is nothing left to see, but heaven above. My dream is to surpass these dreams and enter the realm of the unimaginable. 

What's that even mean you ask? I'll tell you. It means I want to become a writer, an actor, a model, a fashion designer, a world traveler, God's warrior, a girl who runs in this life with everything she has until she has no breath, someone who stops to wipe the tears of others---who loves until she has nothing else to give. . .a creator. 

Where am I currently? I've found myself lost along the journey. These are words I thought I would never say, but as of late I've been saying them oh too much and it's driving me a tad insane. I am currently twenty years old. An elementary education major (yes, you do not need to tell me that is on an entire planet on it's own compared to what I previously stated above. I pinky promise I can read). Previously a pre-med major a mere few months ago with an acceptance letter to a nursing university. Top of my class mind you with ambitions to become a pediatrics practitioner. I walked away from this to simply find myself in the opposite field---teaching. As I type this I can't even find the words to explain why I'm here, but not where my heart is begging me to be. 

Anxiety is something I'm oh too familiar with. The reason why I walked away from nursing school because I couldn't get it under control to keep pursuing a field that caused me to get worst instead of better. I get sick often and it didn't make things any easier as I found myself constantly worrying how I was going to ever live life if I spent every single minute I had feeling well studying and attending lecture. More importantly I found myself constantly dreading how my dreams would simply stay dreams if I continued down this path. 

Currently as an education major I'm beginning to find myself at the same dead end and I hesitate to even say those words, because I know with all my heart that is not the case at all even if it feels that way. Maybe you're asking yourself why don't I simply major in the arts? I suppose the simple answer is that I don't want to give up my academics and there are so many days I regret jumping ship on my medical career and there are times I feel like I will swim back. . .

I refuse to give up though! I will keep writing until my hands fall off. I will practice monologues until I go mad. I will read about all my passions until I fill my brain to the very brim. I will continue to dream until it becomes a reality. I will work until wishes become completed ambitions. I have no clue on earth how it will happen and how I will get there, but I have to believe with all my heart, because that is the only way my dreams will come true and one day on this very blog I will be able to tell you all about the unimaginable.

I will not settle for any less.


  1. Eloquently written like poetry. Sounds like you have a lot of drive and ambition, I wish you all the best in your adventures! Hope you achieve all your goals even if you have to go the long way round. Anxiety is just another obstacle to face, and you'll come out of it stronger ;)

    Growing Positive

    1. Thank you for your very sweet comment <3 I hope the best of adventures come your way as well~

  2. I really like writing to. I don't think as a professional life, but as a hobby, definitely.


    1. I think writing is in my blood and hopefully one day I will be able to call myself one :)

  3. This is such an inspiring post! I constantly struggle with my dreams ♥
    Amy xx

    Perfect Imperfections

    1. Thank you so much, love <3 It is quite a struggle isn't it? But, the struggle is very worth it when our dreams do come true one day xxx

  4. So beautifully written, Sylvia. I've faced similar dilemmas myself. You sound passionate and ambitious, so those two qualities alone can get you far with whatever you decide to do at this moment in time. Listen to your gut and all will turn out well. Best of luck!! :)


    1. Thank you so much for your sweetly written comment, Molly <3 I wish you the best of luck as well!

  5. Such a beautiful post, it is wonderful. I love how you write with such feeling, I think we dreamers find ourselves lost from the path. But sometimes, I like to think that's a good thing. We might find a new one, maybe made of gold. <3

    xx Bash | Bash Says Hey | bloglovin'

    1. Bash, your comment was so lovely it just made my day <3 The path that we stumble upon weather it be made out of gold or dreams will truly be a good one I just know it in my heart xxx

  6. Lovely post! One day your dreams will come true I'm sure :) x

    Josie’s Journal


Your comments truly make my day <3 Don't hesitate to contact me at isylviasaidl@gmail.com