I Am A Blogger

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Let's have a chat. I've had this blog for about over a year now, but this is the first time I've ever considered myself a blogger. Before, I let a lot of things get in the way between me and this little internet space. A lot of personal things. Things that I'm not ready to talk about just yet. . .but that's not what I'm here to chat about. This blog literally means the WORLD to me. I might not have the the most followers or stats or whatever competition is going on in the blogging world these days. But, that's not what I'm here for. I'm not here to participate in a chase for intangible numbers. I'm here for YOU. 

It literally amazes me when I get a mere page view. Someone. . .somewhere on this massive beautiful planet for a mere second glanced at something I created. Maybe even read it. Maybe even liked it. Maybe even disliked it. Who cares?! For the briefest moment I held a chance to inspire or just simply talk to . . .YOU!

I don't think many bloggers talk about their audience, but the other day I was reading all your lovely comments about the nonsense I post on here and it puts a smile on my face that we can talk about the little things. But, one day I want to share more with you. Not simply the things I like or what I've bought, but what's dear to my heart. Maybe that isn't today or tomorrow, but I always want to remember this very something. I always want to remember that I am grateful to whoever is reading this. Whether it be one or fifty. 

This is why I want to take this little ol' blog a whole lot more seriously. I want to post more (which if you haven't noticed I'm beginning to get a hang of. . .eeep!) simply about. . .EVERYTHING! Whether it be about beauty, fashion, or a chat just like this! I want to talk about everything with you guys. But, more importantly I want to get know more about all of you. Because YOU matter!  

Sending lots of love your way,


  1. Your blog is wonderful, Sylvia! I totally agree on how amazing it is to have someone read something that you have written. It's crazy, really, to be able to share your life with people all over the world ♥
    Amy xx

    Perfect Imperfections

    1. Aww, thank you so much love that means a lot to me <3

  2. Lovely post and well done on such a wonderful blog! :)


  3. I have been blogging around the same time - and totally agree it has taken a while to think of myself as a blogger :) xx


    1. Totally agree! It really feels like a whole different world at first doesn't it? But, it's a beautiful community filled with beautiful people <3

  4. I totally understand how you feel. I often mesmerised by the facts there's hundreds of people reading my blog, it's insane and I every day I feel overwhelmed with gratitude.

    Like you, I also feel it's really important to know ourselves a little better, after all we share so much of our lives :) This week I challenged my readers to share five things that (almost) no one knows about them, you can see the post here: http://heyrita.co.uk/2015/01/five-things-no-one-knows-about-me/ Maybe you'd enjoy to do it too? :)

    Have a nice week!


    1. I feel like it's important just to be grateful for the sky above us~ That sounds like an awesome post! I will definitely be checking it out :)

  5. This is a really heartfelt post, and describes a lot of what I feel. I've only recently started to take "blogging" seriously at all, but I still don't really consider myself a blogger. I'd like to get to a point where I blog about everything I truly care about, and share my writing and even art, as well as other more personal and dear things. This is such a wonderful way to get to know ourselves better, like you said. :)


    1. Thank you <3 <3 <3 Passion is something that should burn throughout your whole body like a fire that can't be put out and something you want to share with the whole world! I'm so happy someone agrees :)

  6. I think that's basically how all we bloggers feel whenever we receive comments and reads for our hard work. One thing I learnt is to always appreciate a blogger's work, no matter how big/small their blog is – I leave a meaningful comment, because each comment spurs people to do better each time. :)


    1. Yes! That is so important~ There are some bloggers who truly pour their heart and soul into their blog and sweet comments like yours make a world of a difference xxx

  7. Very inspirational and Lovely ^^
    Keep up the good work!

    emi-doll.blogspot.jp σ(≧ε≦o) ♥

  8. Replies
    1. Aww, you're too sweet! No, you are the best~

  9. You have a wonderful blog and I wish you success with your beautiful blog :) I've just followed now and I really loved this post, :) xx

    Beyond The Velvet | Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

    1. Aww, thank you for leaving such a sweet comment <3 <3 <3 I wish you the very same success!

  10. Great post
    your blog is so cute
    Would you like to follow each other ? I'll Follow back after it


  11. Great little catchup and sounds so exciting that you'll be posting more and being your lovely blogger self
    Stefanie | Casualllyawkward | Bloglovin'

    1. Thank you! You keep on being your lovely blogger self too <3

  12. This is such a sweet post!! Can't wait to read more of your upcoming posts - I'll certainly be following along :)

    xx angela | the sunday chapter

  13. I really like you're blog, and if you're really passionated about it, keep on doing it!


  14. Ah your blog is so sweet and I love that you care so much about your readers! It means a lot to take the time to love and appreciate your readers - I hope that we get to keep in touch and form a blogging friendship too!

    Lover the pic at the top. I adore travel and would LOVE a book like that to write all of my travel adventures in!

    New follower on GFC! XXXX


    1. Aww this was the sweetest comment <3 <3 <3 I'll be checking out your blog right now~

  15. I totally agree with you, it makes me feel happy by reading all the comments and knowing that people from around the world visit you, it's soo crazy)))
    You have really great blog my dear, keep doing it!


  16. Such a great, heartfelt post and you have an adorable blog! My sister and I have been blogging for almost a year and it's always so amazing to see from Google Analytics the amount of people from around the world who manage to stumble onto our little blog. And when someone takes the time to leave a comment, it always makes our day brighter :)

    Ellie | wunderstar

  17. Thank you, lovely! I'm glad you enjoyed it xxx

  18. Preach it! I loved this post! ^_^



Your comments truly make my day <3 Don't hesitate to contact me at isylviasaidl@gmail.com