I see you
Ladybugs are good luck, you know?
A mean old spider tried to eat him, but we saved the little guy!
-gasp- Does that mean we get extra good luck?!
The other day my siblings and I decided to take a stroll around the lake as we were having very lovely weather. I wish I could say the same for today, but the weather has seemed to take a gloomy turn for the worst. I would never survive if I had to live up north---I would just curl up in a little ball and cuddle with my kitty until the sun came back out~ Bless all you northern souls how do you do it?! All of you need a kitten and free complimentary hot chocolate on your doorsteps~ Why is that not a thing?!
*clears my throat awkwardly* I seemed to have completely gotten off topic. While we were walking we couldn't help, but snap a few photos while we were there. Hence these photos were born! I know this post is a lot more casual than to what I usually post, but I hope you enjoyed it. Hope each and everyone of you are having a lovely weekend~
Sending you all much love towards your way~